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FREE Online Mouse Colony Management Database and Software. Soft Mouse in the cloud is the leading brand in mouse colony breeding software and is supported by digital mouse colony data management experts. Try SoftMouse Mouse Colony Database FREE.
February 17, 2025    6:10 am
Iseehear Inc.
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FREE Mouse Colony and Breeding Management Software

The most efficient way to manage your mouse breeding and colony data:

  • TRACK mouse genetic history and relationships

  • MANAGE simple and complex breeding strategies

  • ORGANIZE mice into experimental groups

  • CENTRALIZE your lab's research data

Join the growing global community of SoftMouse Mouse Colony Management database subscribers.
Sign up now and experience the benefits of SoftMouse, the leading brand in online mouse colony management

I am a new principal investigator and my lab is preparing to start up several mouse projects. I'm interested in the Soft Mouse colony management software to manage our breeding and colonies. My previous paper based documenting worked to a limited degree but now I am keen on adopting and using an online mobile digital colony management system. My requirements are; easy to use, secure, budget friendly, scalability to grow with my labs needs and responsive customer service.

Why Try SoftMouse?

Scenario # 1

“Monday Morning” using SoftMouse DB in the Mouse House

I started entering the new litters for the Lab in SoftMouse. My routine is to go into Matings, find the mating and click New Litter, add date and submit. Then I click on the New Litter and add my comment as to what to do with this new litter and hit save. Back to the Matings and add the next litter, repeat. Done. Wow that is always so fast, love it!

The vet has arrived to look at the colonies. She is really nice. I have SoftMouse open. She asks what I am up to. I show her a few basics of SoftMouse and tell her that this is why I am so efficient at my job. I could not look after 43 mouse lines as well as I do without SoftMouse. She is very impressed by the little bit I have shown her, but more importantly, she is impressed with how I am using the database and what it can do for my colony management. She asks is that why so many people are using the Software at the university “it looks so great”.

I went on to explain that before SoftMouse I spent a lot of my time planning my work week, making lists, deciphering spreadsheet information for projects and now I can calculate breeding efficiency quickly, my lists are generated for me in SoftMouse and my work week is planned in 10 minutes.

SoftMouse is always becoming more user friendly, faster and more powerful to see the colony virtually. The reseacher group I work for has saved thousands of dollars by having a database that everyone can access and plan experiments, so we are breeding for experiments, not breeding and trying to figure out what to use the mice for after the fact. My salary is used for working in the colony not duplicating files, trying to pull out colony information from a spreadsheet and spending lots of time trying to figure out what information in the spreadsheet means.

Visit SoftMouse Database and discover the colony management benefits of a digital Mouse House in the mobile cloud.

Scenario # 2

Tagging in SoftMouse DB

Go to the Litter list in SoftMouse DB. Overdue or due weanlings are what I am tagging today. They have been weaned by the barrier staff and now I will input them into the system, give them tag numbers and wean them according to when the staff weaned the pups.

Click SID to select the litter I wish to add and wean. Select action drop down, add mice, select males add the total number of pups in the litter. Select edit pups. Select the males that will become female, chose to edit sex, select female and apply and stay. Add tag number to start sequence, select all check box, apply and stay. Select action, wean pups, click the calendar and choose the correct date. In the hood I open the cages, tag and clip the mice. Clips go into tubes I have labelled. Done. Select apply and move. The mouse are caged properly. Done, love that the system has a default for caging and is intuitive enough to evenly cage my mice, just the way I would do it in reality, very cool. Next set of cages to tag. Repeat steps above.

Scenario # 3

It is great to be able to plan breeding and workflow from where ever we choose

I use SoftMouse when I am performing my work but I have not gone into detail that my colleague who manages / assists my workflow for her 14 mouselines from the comfort of her living room. Mostly on Thursday and Monday mornings with a laptop logged into SoftMouse and a coffee beside her. I cannot have food or drink in the lab or my mouse house rooms so it is great to be able to plan breeding and workflow from where ever we choose. SoftMouse is available to us 24/7 and because I am in the mouse house colonies all week the data is always current. As close to real time as possible.

Scenario # 4

How I use SoftMouse DB?

I am logged into SoftMouse every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday from 9:30/10 a.m. until 3/3:30 pm. I am in the system each day under at least two user names per day. I use most aspects of SoftMouse daily and check for updates from my colleagues in the system using the filters.


SoftMouse Mouse Colony Breeding Management database is web based (in the cloud) and easily accessible from any laptop or tablet. No software to download, no hardware to purchase and no database to configure. Just login using your Internet browser.

Soft Mouse DB efficiently allows researchers to create, store, manipulate and search records associated with mouse based research, including transgenic mouse generation, mouse breeding and genetics, developmental studies, mouseline colony maintenance, cryopreservation and much more.

Create an Account

SoftMouseDB: Mouse Colony Management Experts 3rd Generation Internet Colony Management Database and Software Platform in the Cloud.

What is SoftMouseDB Colony maintenance and breeding management?

SoftMouseDB is a web-based mouse colony management system designed for life scientists working with mouse models.

The more you use SoftMouseDB, the more new ways you will think about how SoftMouseDB can be used in your colony management workflow.

SoftMouseDB highlights:

  • Automatic tracking of single mouse ancestry, genetic history and relationships
  • Multiple formats for viewing and manipulating data sets: as individual mice, matings, litters or cages
  • Set up and manage breeding strategies including multiple breeder-crosses and cross-fostering
  • Wean litters and distribute to new cages in just two clicks
  • Create timed-pregnancy matings and embryonic litter records
  • Easily tag and assign genotypes to new mice and litters
  • Edit multiple mouse records at the same time
  • Customizable system records provide flexibility in creating user-defined attributes such as status, category, tags
  • Inter-linking between records provides short-cut transition between related data
  • Schedule alerts and reminders for timed activities and tasks
  • Move and Cage functions designed to mirror physical location of mice with virtual system information
  • Multi-user capability allows sharing of mouse records at view and edit level to facilitate communication between researchers and animal health technicians
  • Transfer mouse records between different user or user groups
  • Filter large sets of data to quickly find records of interest
  • Upload and associate files with individual mouse or mouseline records
  • Search, view and print all or any subset of mouse, cage and breeding data
  • Designed to minimize data entry and time spent updating the system
  • Access your mouse data from any web-linked device
  • Export data to spreadsheet or PDF format

SoftMouseDB is always growing

SoftMouseDB is designed for mouse researchers by an enthusiastic group of professionals who are always looking for new ideas on how to optimize the mouse management process.
As a result, SoftMouseDB is continuously being improved based on user feedback and suggestions through seamless updates and new releases.
SoftMouseDB is supported by a dedicated team available to provide assistance when needed and listen to our users.

Start FREE Now

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